A second season has been announced for the anime series Oshi no Ko.
The series premiered earlier this year and is based on a 2020 manga series by writer-artist duo Aka Akasa and Mengo Yokoyari. Akasa is largely known for his work on Kaguya-sama Love is War, meanwhile Yokoyari is known for her work on Kuzu no Honkai (Scum’s Wish) and Retort Pouch.
The series follows a boy and girl who are actually reincarnated fans of the idol Ai Hoshino. The pair are born of twins to Ai herself who secretively gave birth to them to continue her work as an idol. (Kind of spoilers ahead)
However things take a turn when their mother and idol is murdered. Now grown up, Aqua and Ruby immerse themselves in the world of the idol industry while one day hoping to find their mother’s (and oshi’s) murderer.
The series is the latest from studio Doga Kobo whose previous work includes Yuru Yuri, WataTen! An Angel Flew Down to Me, and more.