Open World Voxel MMORPG Trove is Heading to Open Beta this Week

trove 11-02-14-1

Trove developers Trion Worlds have confirmed that an open beta for the game is coming this week.

Beginning on November 5th, players will be able to step into the voxel-based world and create their own characters, worlds, items, and even Cornerstones (their version of a home base) in the ostensibly ever-evolving MMORPG.

The developer promises cross-content playability, and consistently procedurally generated worlds for the online voxel RPG. The key to Trove succeeding will clearly be how much player-created content is actually created, so we’ll see how this all works in time.

The best part of all this is that Trove will remain free to play even when it enters full release.



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