Only Up has been permanently removed from Steam

Only Up

The developer of Only Up has de-listed their own game after months of popularity.

Only Up was the grueling 3D platformer where one mistake would send you careening to the bottom. Similar to Bennett Foddy’s Getting Over It, the game attracted the attention of streamers and VTubers for the frustrated reactions it provoked.

On September 6, the developer announced the game would be delisted. They also assured fans that they have a new project called Kith they’ll be working on while continuing their education.

I’m a solo developer and this game is my first experience in Gamedev, a game I did for creativity, to test myself, and where I made a lot of mistakes. The game has kept me under a lot of stress all these months. Now I want to put the game behind me. And yes. the game won’t be available in the steam store soon, that’s what I decided myself. What I need now is peace of mind and healing. I plan to take a pause, and continue my education in game design and further with new experience and knowledge to direct my energies to my next game with the working title “Kith” – it will be a new experience and a new concept with realism, a completely different genre and setting, and the emphasis is on cinematography. This time I hope the project will be created by a small team. This is a challenging project on which I want to significantly improve my skills in game design.

Thank you for your understanding.

As of September 7, the game is no longer available on Steam.



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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