Official Sega account criticized for questionable “localization” methods


Sega’s official social media got an overwhelming amount of negative criticism after linking an article confirming their games are censored based on western localizers.

The official Sega Twitter account linked to an article which confirmed the executive producer for the Like a Dragon series asked their western team to “read their game scripts and tell them what isn’t acceptable.”

For those not familiar, a recent article from website The Japan Times had western localizers admitting to censoring content in western localizations.

Franck Genty, the senior localization manager for Bandai Namco, claimed the “#MeToo movement changes mindsets”:

“We tell them that the cleavage is a bit too exposed, or the skirt is a bit too short. Before, they weren’t very flexible, but they’ve become more proactive on such subjects.”

Examples like these are why many despise western localizers, because certain sects in the west are obsessed with political correctness and are hellbent on curating the content of adults, telling them what they can and cannot enjoy, and explaining that certain content is “offensive” and must be changed.

The article also had Like a Dragon executive producer Masayoshi Yokoyama saying “many representations which were normal in Japan in the first Like a Dragon games are no longer acceptable today. We ask our teams in the United States and Europe to read the game’s script, and they tell us if they see things that wouldn’t be acceptable in their country.”

Such a quote is telling, as western consumers have no problem witnessing things that are “offensive” in their media, it’s politically-motivated localizers and developers in the west who are trying to control what is considered “offensive”.

It’s also mentioned briefly that the Yakuza series’ (now called Like a Dragon) most recent games have gotten around 70% of their revenue from overseas, explaining how the west is starting to become more controlling of Japanese content.

The Twitter account shared a message in Japanese before then writing the name of the article in question:

The message in Japanese said “Do you know about ‘game localization’, which translates games appropriately based on each country’s language and culture? We were interviewed on the topic of localization.”

Spotting the perfect opportunity, many commenters who despise hateful western localization posted comments expressing a disinterest in Sega’s localization practices:

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