No More Heroes III Series Digest and Livestream Information Show Gameplay

No More Heroes III

The No More Heroes III livestream and subsequent trailer have revealed more information and gameplay for the upcoming action game.

The livestream- hosted by Japanese actor and radio personality Mafia Kajita; with guests Suda 51 (the game’s director) and Hololive Vtuber Botan Shishiro- opened with the game’s The Return trailer.

We then get a new trailer (with English dubbing), not only offering a humorous digest of the series thus far, but new gameplay from No More Heroes III. It seems Travis’ Beam Katana can split into four blades (much like his maximum upgrade in the original No More Heroes), as well as players being able to take on a mech-suit form, and pilot a new mecha Glastonbury model in giant boss space battles.

At the end of the trailer, the Killion Dollar Trilogy collector’s edition was announced for Japan; featuring the mainline No More Heroes trilogy on Nintendo Switch, all within a collector’s box. The collector’s edition launches the same date as the game itself; August 27th.

Long-time fans may notice Sylvia uses the phrase “Garden of Slaughter,” rather than her usual “Garden of Madness.” While this may hint at a greater mystery, it could merely be referring to how different it will be for Travis to fight aliens, rather than other humans.

You can find the Series Digest Movie below.

Returning to the livestream itself, short snippets of cutscenes, gameplay, and screenshots were showcased. This starts showing off cutscenes of the invading aliens (52:44). We see their leader FU, Mr. Blackhole (ranked No. 10), and Gold Jogress (translation by ear, ranked No. 9).

Along with a brief cutscene and overview of Travis, Sylvia, Shinou, Bad Girl, and Jeanne the cat (59:08), we see that a Jeanne mini-game will be featured again. Players throw a ball to Jeanne, and must ensure it is near the target circle, so Jeanne can leap across the screen and bat it back.

We also see scenes from across Santa Destroy (1:08:39), including inside Travis’ apartment, and what may be the Utopinia company’s HQ. We also see the side-job minigames in action; including mowing the lawn, and picking up trash from a river while avoiding alligators.

Screenshots of the Beam Katana and wresting moves was also shown (1:16:22), along with a Death Glove Skill in action; creating wireframe cubes around foes. It seems players will be able to acquire new skills via a food vendor run by Death’s Head. In addition, the Slot Machine mechanic returns; and may be how Travis transforms into his robot suit (1:24:08)

You can find the full live-stream below.

We will keep you informed as we learn more.

No More Heroes III launches August 27th on Nintendo Switch.

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Ryan was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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