Nintendo Is Looking to Expand the Amiibo Lines


Nintendo has now laid out the ground floor for Amiibos with the launch of games like Super Smash Bros. But now what? Are we all going to need to spend money for figures for all Nintendo games like Skylanders and Disney Infinity?

Thankfully, it would appear not. While how much Nintendo plans to use Amiibo figures going forward is yet unclear, Shigeru Miyamoto himself mentions that, if nothing else, not all Amiibo-based products would be figures. He mentioned a cheaper line of the Amiibo figures launching in addition to the high quality Super Smash ones, but beyond that are card-based Amiibo. Without really sharing anything else, it’s pretty clear he believes that near-field communication devices like Amiibo have tons of potential, so it will be interesting to see where this goes.

I know it’s cliché, but a really awesome online dueling card game could be pretty cool, right?



I'm a pretty chill guy. Huge video game fan, but a bigger anime fan. I also love to write - obviously.

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