Alolan Rattata Revealed, Exclusive Pokémon Z-Moves

A new Alolan Pokémon was revealed during today’s Nintendo Direct – Alolan Rattata, a Dark/Normal variant with Gluttony/Hustle.


Name: Alolan Rattata
Type: Dark/Normal
Unlike ordinary Rattata, urban areas are Alolan Rattata’s main habitat. They are nocturnal and live in nests of several dozen. Alolan Rattata have an excellent aptitude for sniffing out delicious fresh foods in Alola. They pay no attention to foods that aren’t fresh. Alolan Raticate serve as their boss.

Also revealed was that certain Pokémon will have exclusive Z-Moves, such as Alolan Raichu’s Stoked Sparksurfer.


As a gift for early buyers of Pokémon Sun & Moon, players can download a special Munchlax with the Pay Day move. It will also come equipped with Snorlium Z, which will allow Snorlax to use the exclusive Z-Move Pulverizing Pancake.


Pokémon Sun & Moon will be released on November 23, 2016 for the Nintendo 3DS.

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A gamer since a young age, starting with oldies such as the IBM 386, Atari, and Commodore 64. A Portuguese guy with a tendency for snappy and witty remarks. Also harbors an obsession for adventure games.

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