Night of the Consumers postponed to 2025

The anti-Karen horror simulator Night of the Consumers has been postponed to sometime in 2025, postponing the retail nightmare for a bit.

Initially, the game was slated to be released towards the end of October of this year, perhaps to take advantage of the spooky Halloween vibes, but that never happened.

As the date approached, developer Germfood posted an update informing the thousands of eager fans who were counting down the days to the release that the game was not ready.

“I just need more time to work on it,” he wrote. “But good news is that the game is almost finished! I know this is very disappointing, I’m sorry!” If you click on the link to the game’s Steam page, you’ll see the release date has been updated to coming soon.

Night of the Consumers has been in development for a while now and has managed to accumulate a large number of fans who have played earlier versions of it over the years. Thankfully, the community has reacted to Germfood’s announcement with good cheer and continue to support the game and eagerly await its release.

In the meantime, if you are looking for a new indie horror game to try, you could try Toby’s Topsy Tale, a release that has been mostly overlooked in the weeks since its announcement.

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