Newly Discovered Photo Shows Original Nintendo HQ During Founding Year in 1889

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While most Nintendo fans know the company was originally founded as a playing cards manufacturer back in 1889, with their original headquarters in Kyoto, Japan. We’ve never known what the original Nintendo headquarters building actually looked like – until now.

A new historical project by the city of Kyoto has revealed a photograph of the company’s original headquarters, in its founding year of 1889, which you can view above.

The blog post was actually published back in December of last year. The ongoing project is focused on the Meiji Period, which ran from 1868 to 1912 during Emperor Meiji’s reign.

The report notes that Nintendo’s founder, Fusajiro Yamauchi, originally managed a cement company named Haiko before he founded Nintendo.

The post also points out that Yamauchi was originally born under the family name Fukui, only to be later adopted as an adult by his boss Naoshichi Yamauchi, a move to keep the business in control of male “family” members.

Nintendo remained under the Yamauchi family until the retirement of Fusajiro’s great-grandson Hiroshi Yamauchi in 2002, with Satoru Iwata stepping up for control of the company. It’s worth pointing out that Haiko is still operating to this day, and is currently run by Kazumasa Yamauchi.


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