New Videos for The Seven Deadly Sins: Unjust Sin’s Meliodas and Diane

Bandai Namco have released two character trailers for The Seven Deadly Sins: Unjust Sin, which you can watch below. In case you missed it, you can also view the debut trailer for the game above.

Unjust Sin is an action-adventure video game based on a popular ongoing manga and anime series, The Seven Deadly Sins, which was announced last year in August.

Players assume the role of Melodias, who is tasked with gathering allies. During battles, players need to properly time their combo attacks with support characters like Diane. Apart from combat, the game allows players to interact with other characters, and to craft outfits and find rare items throughout the world.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Unjust Sin will be out on February 11 in Japan, exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS.


Meliodas is the Sin of Wrath, and also the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins. He has the appearance of a child, but is actually much older. He has superhuman strength and agility. His smartass exterior hides an angry core.


Diane is the Sin of Envy, and a Giant who is over 700 years old. As a Giant, she is inhumanly strong, has great endurance and speed, and has an ability called Creation, which allows her to manipulate earth and metals. In the manga, Diane is smitten with Meliodas and becomes jealous when he shows other women affection.



With over ten years' experience as an editor, Dimi is Niche Gamer's Managing Editor. He has indefinitely put a legal career on hold in favor of a life of video games: priorities.

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