New Trailer for 3DS Remake of Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past

Nintendo has unveiled in the Nintendo Treehouse Livestream the trailer for Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past. The game is a 3DS remake of the PSX version released 15 years ago.

The game follows the Hero and his friends as they discover secrets about the mysterious islands surrounding their home of Estard. Through some ancient ruins, they are transported to the pasts of various islands and must defeat evil in each new location.

Originally, Nintendo wasn’t planning to translate Dragon Quest VII for Western markets, but a group of hardcore fans has convinced Nintendo to localize the game, 3 years after the remake release in Japan.

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A gamer since a young age, starting with oldies such as the IBM 386, Atari, and Commodore 64. A Portuguese guy with a tendency for snappy and witty remarks. Also harbors an obsession for adventure games.

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