A new extended PV has released for the upcoming anime series Megami-ryou no Ryoubo-kun. At the time of publishing there’s no premiere date for the series.
Megami-ryou no Ryoubo-kun is based off the manga series of the same name which began in 2017. The series was created by Ikumi Hino as their first original title. Their previous work includes working on anthology comics for Fate/Grand Order and Kemono Friends.
新規カットもたくさん追加されていますので、ぜひご覧くださいhttps://t.co/mZFWqPpTg0#女神寮 pic.twitter.com/cHGGKbnHHQ
— 「女神寮の寮母くん。」公式 (@megamiryou) April 7, 2021
The series follows Koishi Nagumo, a young boy who’s put out on the streets and abandoned by his family after his home burns down. He’s picked up by a woman who takes him in and employs him as a “Dormitory Mother” at a woman’s dorm whose tenants are known for having issues.
Koishi is thrust into fanservicey misunderstandings as he takes care of the girls and the dorm, dealing with their laziness, aggressiveness, or whatever flaws they have.