Neon-Drenched Survival Racer Distance is Coming to PlayStation 4

Refract Studios have confirmed their kickstarted, neon “experimental survival racing” game, Distance, is making its way to PlayStation 4.

Featured above, you can view a brand new trailer for the game, and boy does it look pretty damn incredible. Distance puts you into an explorable, atmospheric world in which you’re pitted against others in some intense races.

The environments are varied, mysterious, and deadly, and instead of simply racing from point A to point B, you’re mostly going to be trying to just survive on your journeys.

Distance features an online multiplayer component, a single-player adventure mode, as well as some more unique game modes:

  • Sprint Mode – A quick dash to the finish with the goal being the fastest time. As you boost, your car’s core systems will begin to overheat, so to maintain the fastest speed you’ll have to land tricks (like backflips or barrel rolls) to stay cool.
  • Reverse Tag Mode – Remain “it” for as long as possible. As other players start closing in you might want to scale a building for a quick escape, or dive bomb from a high point to use gravity to your advantage. Using car rotation to transition out of flight might be the best way to keep your momentum and stay in the lead.

The game will be playable at the PlayStation Experience in Las Vegas this week.



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