The manga series My Home Hero will be receiving an anime adaptation according to Japanese sources.
My Home Hero is a thriller that follows the life of Tetsuo Tosu, a salaryman who cares a lot about his family. When his daughter Reika gets involved with an abusive boyfriend named Nobuto, Tetsuo uncovers a plot deeper than he realized.
The truth is, Reika’s boyfriend is actually a goon for a gang trying to get close to her. Their real prize is the vast fortune belonging to her grandparents, that is: Tetsuo’s in-laws. To protect his daughter, Tetsuo ends up killing Reika’s boyfriend and his wife helps to cover it up.
Now the gang is questioning Nobuto’s disappearance and what should have been just one murder, soon becomes a complicated of lies and crimes. Just how far are two parents willing to go to protect the happy life they finally built?
You can read a full summary of the series from MyAnimeList below.
Tetsuo Tosu, an ordinary salaryman, discovers his daughter, Reika, has been physically abused by her boyfriend, Nobuto Matori. Trying to learn more about him, Tetsuo uncovers Matori’s scheme to extort money from Reika’s wealthy grandparents and finds out that he is a member of a crime syndicate, with a history of murdering his former girlfriends.
Filled with rage and fear at the thought of Reika being in danger, Tetsuo ends up killing Nobuto, and with the help of his wife, Kasen, successfully disposes of the body. Now, as the members of the syndicate begin to question Nobuto’s sudden disappearance, Tetsuo and Kasen must work together to ensure the safety of their daughter and prevent her from getting involved in the predicament any further.
An English release for the series has yet to be announced.