More Details and New Screenshots from Final Fantasy XV’s “Episode Duscae”

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[Editor’s note: unusually, for us, this article’s quite gif-heavy, so give it time to load.]

There’s a fair bit of Final Fantasy XV news today. Fans have been pouring over the recent “Episode Duscae” livestream, and have come up with more information that we can share; and Square Enix have released new stills for us to delight in.

It’s also been announced that Hajime Tabata will be hosting an Active Time Report in London on February 26, from 11 a.m. We may have more news to share then.

Thanks to 4Gamer, Leonblade and Obsqura for the images and info.


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We know that in “Episode Duscae”, players will at least be able to perform combo/dual attacks with Noctis and Prompto, and Noctis and Ignis.

Translations of game menus have revealed that consumable items like potions, antidotes, and the Phoenix Down will return, and the details of the weapons that appeared in the live stream:

  • Avenger: a well-balanced sword, useful for any situation.
  • Blood Sword: a blade with a low Attack, which can be used to recover HP and MP.

  • Partisan: a halberd with a low Attack but high Critical Hit rate, and a Heavy Thrust ability, which ability can score multiple hits.

  • Wyvern Spear: has a high Attack power and MP recovery abilities, and grants users the Jump ability, which allows them to jump to avoid enemy attacks, and cause area damage when they hit the ground.

  • Zweihander: entirely ignores enemy defenses, and grants the wielder the ability to perform a Tempest, which deals damage to everyone around the wielder.


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As we already know, eating and resting at camp will give the party status buffs. Now we know these status buffs include:

  • Top Form: significantly increases Attack, Defense, and EXP gain
  • Focus: increases Critical Hit rate
  • Resistance: invulnerability to Status Ailments

More new screenshots



With over ten years' experience as an editor, Dimi is Niche Gamer's Managing Editor. He has indefinitely put a legal career on hold in favor of a life of video games: priorities.

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