Monster Tale Ultimate is Revealed for 3DS

monster tale 03-28-15-1

DreamRift have confirmed in this month’s issue of Nintendo Force (via Nintendo Everything) that a remake of their DS original, Monster Tale (featured above), is coming to the Nintendo 3DS.

The metroidvania remake will be known simply as Monster Tale Ultimate, and it will come with an entirely remade game, with DreamRift reportedly touching up “every single aspect of the adventure.” DreamRift’s Peter Ong described the upcoming release:

A lot of the rebalancing has nothing to do with difficulty. [It] is instead about making the various components of the game more balanced in a manner that makes the game more strategically interesting.

Monster Tale Ultimate is getting improved visuals with new art assets, full stereoscopic 3D support, a new orchestral soundtrack (and the ability to switch to the original chiptune music), new rooms and areas, and finally rebalanced gameplay. Backtracking has been looked at directly, as fan feedback from the original led to the addition of shortcuts between worlds.

Monster Tale is a metroidvania with virtual pet elements, putting you into the shoes of a young girl named Ellie. Upon finding herself lost in the Monster World, she is confronted with two scenarios – finding a way home, and saving the Monster World from its own destruction.

Lastly, DreamRift are open to a retail release, but for now the game is coming as an eShop exclusive. For a retail release to happen, DreamRift have to get the help of a publisher, and they’re also open to working with a publisher for their eShop release.

Monster Tale Ultimate is set for a release some time this spring.



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