Monochrome Mobius gets new gameplay trailer, 10+ mins of gameplay

Monochrome Mobius

Shiravune have released new gameplay for Monochrome Mobius: Rights and Wrongs Forgotten, the latest upcoming JRPG by Aquaplus.

Monochrome Mobius: Rights and Wrongs Forgotten is the latest game in Aquaplus’ beloved Utawarerumono series, and looks to bridge the gaps between the first and second games.

The latest trailer and live broadcast show off a bit of the game’s combat mechanics, open world exploration, and Halu, the party’s cute companion that acts like the game’s summoning system.

You can find the new gameplay trailer and an archive of the livestream (with gameplay) below:

(Editor’s Note: From 31:00 to 46:00 there are chunks of gameplay)

You can find a rundown below:

A new JRPG from AQUAPLUS, announced in commemoration of 20 years of their hit Utawarerumono franchise. Produced by legendary composer Naoya Shimokawa and penned by Utawarerumono writer Munemitsu Suga, with support from the studio’s superb art direction spearheaded by character designer Mi, Monochrome Mobius: Rights and Wrongs Forgotten focuses on the heart of every great RPG: the story.

In the small province of Ennakamuy, on the frontiers of the great empire of Yamato, there lived a young man with his mother and sister. One day, at the local lord’s behest, the young man was investigating a small irregularity when he encountered a girl he’d never met.

The words the girl spoke were what shocked him: She told the man that his father was still alive. Seeing a trace of his father in her and resolving to learn the truth, the young man and the girl set out together towards the land of Arva Shulan—a country that doesn’t appear on the map.

Faced with trials and perils, the boy chases his father. He meets new friends and comrades who join him on his mission. There will be struggles and victories and failures and partings. The fickle vagaries of fate will place an epoch in the young man’s hands—

And one day, this man will be sung of in legends.


  • Oshtor (Voice: Kentaro Tone) – A young man living in the frontier province of Ennakamuy. He lives together with his mother Torikori and his younger sister Nekone, and though still young, he possesses discipline and a strong sense of right and wrong. His meeting with the mysterious Shunya gives him questions about his father’s death, and he sets out for an unknown country to find answers.
  • Shunya (Voice: Yuko Minaguchi) – A girl whose path has crossed Oshtor’s by chance or by destiny. Guileless and still with something of a babyface, her words and actions create more questions than they answer. She informs Oshtor that his father, whom he thought a martyr, still lives, and the pair embark on a journey together.
  • Munechika (Voice: Saori Hayami) – The daughter of Murasame, the ruler of Izumo. As demure and polite as she appears, Munechika shows hints of a warrior spirit. She assists Oshtor and joins him on his mission.
  • Mikazuchi (Voice: Yuya Uchida) – A young man who barged in on Oshtor when he was training. Mikazuchi is strong and somewhat brash, but he never bends for anything, and a current of integrity runs through everything he does. A good friend to Oshtor and a good rival too, the two spur each other on through thick and thin.

Monochrome Mobius: Rights and Wrongs Forgotten is set to launch on September 7th for Windows PC (via Steam), PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5, though the console version is currently only being released in Japan.

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Frank was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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