Monochrome Days rescued from cancellation by fans

Monochrome Days

The recent manga series Monochrome Days has been rescued thanks to the enthusiasm of fans in both Japan and the English-speaking world.

The series is the latest project from Matsumoto Yousuke, whose past work includes the short-running series Sono Shukujo wa Guuzou to Naru, and a well-received entry into a Blue Archive anthology series.

Monochrome Days follows Fudo Hanaichi, a salaryman who has given up on his dream of creating manga. However when a female senior at work named Wakaba Saori strongarms him into helping her with the manga she’s creating, Hanaichi might find the inspiration to try once more.

The series was allegedly at risk of being cancelled at the end of its second volume, but thanks to publicity from English-speaking outlets and fans, along with their Japanese counterparts, the publisher has decided to let Matsumoto-sensei continue his work.

Fans have grown increasingly bold when it comes to speaking up for new series which catch their interest. Last year the yuri romance series LOVE-BULLET received a reprint thanks to a coordinated effort from English-speaking fans.

Over the past couple years, Japanese publishers have grown increasingly involved with their English readers without relying on localizers and publishers to act on their behalf.


A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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