Minecraft Set for Next Gen Release this Month. Check out the Vita Trailer.

Minecraft is slowly completing it’s quest to conquer the world as the game is set to release on three more platforms this month.  Mojang confirmed that the developer of the console versions 4J Studios will have the games out in time for August and they went on to apologize for the initial delay.

If you purchased the digital versions of the Xbox 360 or PS3 version, you will be able to upgrade to the PS4 or Xbox One version for only $4.99 and they went on to say that they are working on ways to get the physical version on PS3 to upgrade.  You can upgade the Xbox 360 physical version if you played it online.

As for other notable points

  • Bigger worlds and draw distances similar to the PC version
  • Cross play will not be possible between the old versions and the newer ones
  • Most, but not all DLC will transfer to the new version
  • Saves will transfer from old version to new version

The Vita version is slightly different as it’s going to be more similar to the PS3 version than the PS4 version and if you buy the PSN version for PS3, you will get the Vita version as well.  Similar to the aforementioned next gen versions, saves and DLC will transfer over from the PS3 to the Vita.

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