Mighty No. 9 Live Action Movie is Announced

mighty no. 9 07-07-15-1

We’ve learned (via VideoGamer) that Comcept is working alongside Legendary Digital Media and Contradiction Films to make a live-action film adaptation for Mighty No. 9.

The new movie is set to release via digital platforms, and will be the second game-to-film adaptation that Inafune has worked on with Legendary Digital and Contradiction, following Dead Rising: Watchtower (which is getting a sequel, by the way).

“We are thrilled to be working with the great Inafune-san on Mighty No. 9 and feel so fortunate that the Legendary Digital team shares a common vision for the live action adaptation of this very special video game,” said Tomas Harlan, a partner at Contradiction.

“The announcement that Legendary Digital is collaborating with Contradiction and comcept on creating a live action project based on Mighty No.9 is really amazing, not only for myself and the rest of the team at comcept who worked on the game, but also for all the fans who have supported the project,” said Inafune. “This collaboration will give our creation the ability to reach people all over the world. Thanks to all of your support, we have fulfilled another one of our dreams.”

Mighty No. 9, the game, is launching worldwide on September 18th.

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