Microsoft Veteran Kevin Unangst Joins Stardock as New VP

Stardock Entertainment has announced veteran Microsoft staff Kevin Unangst is joining their team.

The nearly 30-year Microsoft veteran joins Stardock as their new Vice President, a role that will have him head their global marketing and partnership group.

Unangst spent nearly three decades heading Microsoft’s Windows and Xbox marketing, where he oversaw titles like the Halo, Forza, and Gears of War franchises.

“Kevin has a multi-decade track record of recognizing turning points in the technology industry and helping ensure that emerging opportunities are fully realized,” said Brad Wardell, CEO Of Stardock. “We are excited to have someone of his talent and experience lead our efforts to ensure that our new endeavors reach their potential.”

Mr. Unangst was a part of Microsoft’s push to become a big player in the PC industry, from their move to visual-based computing via the launch of Windows 95, all the way to making Windows and DirectX staples in PC gaming.

“I’ve always had a passion for helping make sure innovative technology is translated into meaningful benefits for consumers,” Unangst said. “My time at Microsoft allowed me to help evangelize exciting changes that technology was bringing to the market, whether that be the power of Internet integration into Windows, the transition to 32-bit protected operating systems, and more recently, the potential of DirectX 12 for PC and Xbox gaming.”

Mr. Unangst will officially start his new position at Stardock on December 11th, 2017.



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