Microsoft has Plans for Rare Games like Banjo Kazooie, Perfect Dark, & Battletoads

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It seems like Microsoft has plans for some of the classic Rare franchises that have been neglected over time.

The teasing came via Microsoft Studios creative director, Ken Lobb, who let the news slip on the Inner Circle podcast. According to Lobb, the company is planning to resurrect some iconic Rare series in the future:

“Will there ever be another Banjo, Viva, Blast Corps, Battletoads? Yeah, someday. We know there’s value. We have a lot of passion internally for each of the games. And we have surprises in store in the near and long future.”

Ken made some clarifications, stating that Microsoft is looking to expand the company’s roster of IPs, specifically looking at the older catalogue of beloved Rare franchises:

“Understand that what it’s really about is we want to build this suite of IP [Intellectual Property] that we can add to a list of, ‘let’s build some new things, let’s build some recent sequels, and let’s do some crazy stuff like dig back into our portfolio of IP and build some games that people love.'”

It’s worth noting that Microsoft filed a trademark for Battletoads back in November of last year. Could we be seeing a remake of the brawler platformer?

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