Microsoft announces AI app that remembers everything you see and do


Microsoft has released details about Recall, an AI-powered app that “remembers” everything you see and do on your computer.

The point of Recall is to allow users to search things they remember seeing or working on without remembering the exact name or file. In an example from Windows Latest, users can search up something like “chart with purple text” and Recall can search through everything you’ve worked on for a chart with purple text. It’s an abstract type of search that hasn’t really been seen before.

Windows Recall

Luckily (or unluckily if you actually want this), Recall is only available for systems with Snapdragon processors, as typical AMD and Intel CPUs can’t achieve the required TOPS (Trillions of Operations per Second) to work well with Recall.

Users are concerned about possible privacy concerns, and while Recall might be a powerful tool in a business setting, its potential to record and remember what users have looked at can’t be overstated. Microsoft is no stranger to privacy concerns, back when the Xbox Kinect was announced, many users were wary of its possible privacy concerns.

This is Niche Gamer Tech. In this column, we regularly cover tech and things related to the tech industry.



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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