Melty Blood: Type Lumina gets review bombed because of free new DLC characters

Apparently people don’t always enjoy free things – if the blowback behind Melty Blood: Type Lumina is anything to go by.

The TYPE-MOON fighting game recently announced its third batch of free DLC characters, but fans do not seem happy with the picks.

Both of the new DLC characters come from the Fate/Grand Order mobile gacha game, another TYPE-MOON property that generated $6.3 billion to date, making it the most lucrative mobile game of all time.

Part of the Melty Blood community does not seem to appreciate the crossover, wishing that the characters were instead from the franchise itself.

Meanwhile, fans of the game have been posting positive reviews to try and counter the review bombing, leaving the game’s score to be mixed on Steam:

Melty Blood: Type Lumina is currently not doing so well, struggling to break 500 concurrent players, having reached its 13 thousand player peak 15 months ago.

Video previews have been released for both characters, but they do not seem to have been review bombed if the browser extensions that return Youtube dislikes are to be trusted.

It is yet to be seen if the Fate/Grand Order characters will bring enough players into the game to justify this community backlash or if they’ll be the last nail in Melty Blood: Type Lumina‘s coffin.

Melty Blood: Type Lumina is available for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows (through Steam).

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Fan of skeletons, plays too many video games, MMO addict, soul-like and character action enthusiast.

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