Melty Blood: Type Lumina DLC characters Powered Ciel and Mario announced

Melty Blood: Type Lumina DLC characters Powered Ciel

Project Lumina has announced Melty Blood: Type Lumina DLC characters Powered Ciel and Mario, two free fighters being added with its next update.

Both Melty Blood: Type Lumina DLC characters Powered Ciel and Mario are launching on April 14th alongside a new update that brings balancing tweaks for all previously released characters, as well as some fighting mechanic tweaks.

An official tournament for Melty Blood: Type Lumina was also announced for the North American region. Details are scant, however Project Lumina said they’ll share more details for its website and Twitter account sometime later.

Here’s new trailers for both characters:

Powered Ciel trailer

Ciel, outfitted to face the twenty-seven Dead Apostles and enemies in the same class, using the conceptual weapon “Seventh Holy Scripture” broken down into individual causes of death.

She makes constant use of the “Seventh Holy Scripture”, a millennium-class holy relic. While it drains an enormous amount of magical energy, it is a viable battle style for Ciel, who has he magical power of a hundred magi.

Her main attacks often use weaponry, in the style of “Blaze”, “Blade”, and “Break”, and her heavy armament features both brute force and magical enhancements.

Perhaps due to her specialization in destroying heretics, she is even more cold and unforgiving than usual.

Mario trailer

An Acting Prelate of the Holy Church.

A pretty boy with blonde hair and fair skin, Mario tends to dress casually. Although he may not appear so, he holds a position of great responsibility while still in his early teens.

He detests the inept and indolent, and often lashes out verbally, but he is also a compassionate, dutiful person at his core.

His talents in assessing character and abilities, his skillful balancing of hard and soft power, his leadership and ability to use resources to control the game, and his fighting style using a Piano Machine to control nuns like marionettes, have all earned him the nickname “Mario the Puppeteer.”

Melty Blood: Type Lumina has been available since September 2021 worldwide, on Windows PC (via Steam), Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.



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