Meet the Disgraced Homura Crimson Squad in Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus

Marvelous has revealed yet another trailer for Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus.

Featured above, the somewhat short lived trailer is completely dedicated to the Homura Crimson Squad. The video was published alongside their #ShinoviMonday Twitter campaign, in which they’re trying to bring hype and awareness to the game’s encroaching release.

The Crimson Squad is led by the tanned warrior, Homura, and her four comrades. Instead of protecting their elite Hebijo Academy, they let it burn down to the ground, and because of this, they’ve all become fugitives. However, they’ve rebuilt their academy underground and now in Shinovi Versus, they’ve regrouped and set their eyes on exacting revenge on their enemies.

Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus is heading to Playstation Vita in North America on October 14th and Europe on October 15th.



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