McDonald’s Japan recreates popular Touhou song in new commercial


McDonald’s Japan has released a new animated advertisement for their new Samurai Mac, featuring a parody of “Marisa Stole the Precious Thing”, a classic Touhou remix.

The song originally released in 2006 at Comiket from the band IOSYS who’s known for their Touhou remixes. The song is based on the melody of Stage 3 in Perfect Cherry Blossom and Stage 5 in Mystic Square, combining both themes of Alice Margatroid.

You can check out both the McDonald’s song and the original below for a comparison.

The McDonald’s version was arranged by composer ARM with lyrics by both ARM and “loving” Youno, both of which worked on the original song.

McDonald’s gave special thanks to Touhou creator ZUN and the band IOSYS for inspiring the ad.

In the past year or so, McDonald’s Japan has received international attention for their wholesome anime ads, which contrast sharply with more direct marketing typical in the United States.



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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