Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 confuses Cuban and Puerto Rican flags

Spider-Man Cuban Flag

Multiple fans have noticed in the recent Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 video game that the Cuban flag was hanging outside of Miles Morales’s apartment. The problem? His family is Puerto Rican.

In their defense, both flags do have a similar design with a triangle and star on a striped background, however the colors are drastically different and the Puerto Rican flag isn’t as wide. You can compare the two below.


Left: Puerto Rico, Right: Cuba

Reddit user TheHouselessTurtle posted a picture of the flag outside of the Morales’ apartment which you can see below. The post also claims that there’s a Cuban flag inside the apartment as well.

Spider-Man 2 Cuban

Of course this isn’t the first mistake Insomniac has made with their afro-latino protagonist and they’ve been called out for using controversial gender-neutral Spanish in some scenes. For those unaware, Spanish has gendered conjugation for nouns with -o being considered masculine and -a considered feminine. Critics of the language consider this problematic and claim that ending verbs in -e or even -x sidesteps the issue.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 launched  on October 20th for PlayStation 5.



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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