The anime series Made in Abyss has been added to Disney+ in Japan, including the entire first season and the movie.
Made in Abyss is a fantasy series that initially follows a young girl named Riko and a young robot boy named Reg, as they descend into the eponymous “Abyss.” The abyss is a strange and magical place, laden with artifacts and monsters. But a curse awaits those who venture into its deeper regions.
The series is noteworthy for its grimdark themes, body horror, and sometimes ecchi character designs and aesthetics. This makes it a surprise for Disney to pick up for online distribution, but at present it’s only available in Japan via Disney+. Sentai Filmworks has the North American distribution license and the series is available on HIDIVE.
🎬劇場版『メイドインアビス 深き魂の黎明』 #ディズニープラス のスターで配信開始‼️どこまで続くとも知れない深く巨大な縦穴「アビス」
アビスの謎を解き明かすことを夢見ていた。@miabyss_anime#miabyss— ディズニープラス公式 (@DisneyPlusJP) May 28, 2022
A live-action adaptation of Made in Abyss is also reportedly still in the works by Colombia Pictures.