Macross Dynamite 7 censored on Disney+ and Hulu

Macross Dynamite 7

The 1997 OVA Macross Dynamite 7 has been censored on Disney+, Hulu, and other streaming services both in and outside of Japan.

A subplot in the OVA involves Mylene being drugged and nearly sexually assaulted by one of her producers named Sazapie. According to multiple sources, the entire subplot has been removed from streaming services with only few exceptions.

The censorship was quickly noticed by fans on the r/Macross subreddit.

Well I probably shouldn’t be surprised to see something like this happening. With Dynamite being my personal favorite entry in Macross it was naturally the first thing I decided to watch today now that everything’s on Hulu, and getting about halfway through episode 3 I was starting to feel something was off. Lo and behold Disney has removed the entire Mylene subplot with the producer out of the show.

I know opinions on this are going to be mixed, this isn’t exactly people’s most beloved moment from the series or anything, but regardless of your thoughts on the “tastefulness” of it, I think it’s a bad precedent to set. I also think it’s especially hypocritical when you compare it to some live action stuff that’s available on these western streaming services. Dynamite 7 doesn’t get anywhere near the levels of uncomfortable that a lot of shows and movies do but it only seems to be anime that gets censored like this.

To make matters worse, Disney was allegedly not transparent about the censorship, with no disclaimer that content has been removed to suit “modern sensibilities“; effectively rewriting the show so that new viewers would be none the wiser that it’s been censored.

According to Anime News Network, the versions of Macross Dynamite 7 available on Amazon Prime Japan, and Bandai Channel are unaffected.

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A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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