Lumines: Puzzle & Music Worldwide Launch Set for September 1

Japanese publisher Mobcast has announced the worldwide release date for Lumines: Puzzle & Music.

The Enhance Games-developed mobile title will launch for iOS and Android devices on September 1st. You’ll have to fork up $2.99 to play it. Featured above, you can view a brand new trailer for the game.

It’s worth mentioning the game had a soft launch across Japan, Australia, and New Zealand last month. Series creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi is hosting an AMA over on Reddit, on August 30th between 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM Pacific.

Finally, the game will be playable at this year’s PAX West next week, in the GameSamba booth. Mizuguchi will be there signing posters, with the vendor also giving away product and raffling off Lumines prizes.



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