Luigi’s Mansion Lego Sets Announced; Coming Soon

Luigi's Mansion Lego

Nintendo have announced a Luigi’s Mansion themed Lego set, in the Super Mario Lego series.

While only listed as coming soon, we do see a glimpse at what the new Lego set will hold. In fact, we see more in the video’s thumbnail than in the video itself!

Luigi will gain a Poltergust, and have sets based on E.Gadd’s lab and the mansion. Along with Gadd, there are Lego models based on the ghosts from the first Luigi’s Mansion, King Boo, the Polterpup, and Bogmire.

As with past Lego Mario sets, the characters have special “action bricks” that cause reactions from Mario and Luigi. This new set has been announced just over six months after the Luigi Starter set was revealed.

You can find the teaser below.

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Ryan was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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