Lucy: The Eternity She Wished For Greenlit, Stretches for Korean Voice Actor [UPDATE]

lucy the eternity she wished for 2015-03-03

[UPDATE: the project has amassed CAD$13K, which means Lucy will have a Japanese seiyuu. “We did it! Lucy will have her voice!! […] Lucy will finally have her voice!!! T.T” reads an update. The next stretch goal has opened: at CAD$15,500 the game will also have a Korean voice actor voice Lucy.]

Developers M-Vizlab have been crowdfunding localizations of the Korean visual novel about a boy who hates robots and the abandoned android “girl” he meets, and rather successfully at that. Lucy: The Eternity She Wished For has more than doubled its base goal of CAD$6,000 on Kickstarter, and has also been greenlit on Steam.

The VN will now be coming to Japanese and English audiences via PC and iOS mobile devices. If you were waiting for this to succeed before backing, you can do so here. There’s still some time left, and more stretch goals to be achieved: at CAD$13,000, the android will get a Japanese VA; and there are another three, as yet unrevealed, stretch goals remaining, too.

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With over ten years' experience as an editor, Dimi is Niche Gamer's Managing Editor. He has indefinitely put a legal career on hold in favor of a life of video games: priorities.

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