You may remember the wide-reaching game network attack that was performed during the weekend before last and the games that were affected. Carried out by a “new” group calling themselves “Lizard Squad”, they (like the Geohotz “hackers” before them) seem to have wanted to send messages to the major game networks that perhaps their security should be taken a bit more seriously. Well, that or they just wanted fame, considering that they made a bomb threat against a major airline.
Like Lulzsec before them though, they didn’t last long once the FBI came knocking.
With their last few messages having been posted on Twitter and a final word or two popping up on their official website, it looks like they’ve decided to move on. Of course, this may be due to the fact that some of the members have been located by the FBI and those that remain don’t want to follow suit.
This isn’t surprising, however, since these folks were simply using the Low Orbit Ion Cannon.