Larian Studios launches new branch in Warsaw

Larian Studios

Larian Studios has announced they’ve launched a new branch in none other than Warsaw, Poland.

The new branch in Warsaw, Poland will join Larian’s six other studios based in Quebec, Dublin, Guildford, Barcelona, Ghent, and Kuala Lumpur. The award-winning developer is ramping up work on their next games.

“The decision to open a permanent studio in Warsaw shows how serious we are about encouraging creativity, collaboration, and innovation in the heart of Poland’s lively gaming scene,” said Ula Jach, Head of Studio. “We’re thrilled for the opportunity to collaborate with the abundant talent and expertise of the region, especially considering Poland’s strong reputation as a hub for RPG and gaming enthusiasts.”

Swen Vincke, CEO of Larian Studios, added, “Visiting the Game Industry Conference last year confirmed what I’d been thinking for a while – there’s a lot of talent here and a lot of devs who think like us. On top of that, many of them want to work on RPGs, so it’s a match made in heaven.

“Our plan for the Polish studio is very simple. Build a team that can work on our two – very ambitious – new RPGs and enjoy the fruits of their labor. We’re a very bottom-up company, so I’m eager to see what new things they’ll bring us. I think it’ll work really well.”

More information can be found on the Larian Studios Warsaw website, including job listings.


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