La-Mulana 2 Reaches Funding Goal

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The kickstarter campaign for La-Mulana 2 has finally reached its funding goal of $200,000 dollars, and with roughly a week to spare. The base funding will bring the game to PC just like its predecessor, and with gamepad support to boot. The developer messages of support are truly inspiring, most especially Keiji Inafune’s message of hope that maybe, just maybe, the guys at Nigoro have discovered that lost love of Japanese game development.

Fortunately, the game has a whole host of stretch goals that are still possible, although ports to other platforms, specifically the home consoles and handhelds, are somewhere above $400,000 dollars. I’m making an assumption here that most of that money for the home consoles and handhelds will go to the fees and costs of development kits for those platforms. Their stretch goals have been re-worked a bit according to the votes of backers, you can view the updated goals below:

  • $230,000 Father’s Diary
  • $260,000 Bestiary
  • $300,000 Additional Evil Stage
  • $350,000 Stories for each character
  • $400,000 Mac/Linux ports
  • $???,??? Wider Localization
  • $???,??? Home Console Versions 1
  • $???,??? Handheld Versions
  • $???,??? Home Console Versions 2
  • $???,??? Guidebook
  • $???,??? Original La-Mulana
  • $???,??? LA-MULANA2 MOD Tools

If you want to pledge to La-Mulana 2, head on over to their kickstarter page.

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Owner and Publisher at Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. Outlaw fighting for a better game industry.

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