Kingdom Hearts III Update Schedule Revealed

The release schedule for the updates coming to Kingdom Hearts III has been announced.

Certain content was not to be included in the game (such as the epilogue and secret ending), to prevent spoilers on release day. Something that came in very handy considering the game leaked early due to a theft.

The full schedule was posted in multiple tweets via the official Kingdom Hearts Twitter account. The full details are as follows:

  • Tuesday, January 29 – Update 1.01 (several data fixes), Memory Archive (videos)
    *The Memory Archive option will be added to the game’s title menu and can be viewed at any time.
    *The Memory Archive is a digest of the Kingdom Hearts story in the series up to this point.
  • Wednesday, January 30 – Epilogue (video)
    *Players will need to have completed Kingdom Hearts III and seen the ending to view this video.
    *The epilogue and secret movie are video content that will enhance player’s enjoyment of the world of Kingdom Hearts.
  • Thursday, January 31 – Secret (video)
    *Players will need to have completed Kingdom Hearts III and seen the ending, as well as fulfilled certain criteria during play to view this video.
    *The criteria vary depending on the difficulty level selected.

While most of these updates require an internet connection, it is noted that “The main game allows players to proceed to and view the ending without the need for an internet connection.”

While this is the case for players around the world, it seems Japan has a different schedule. On the Square Enix support website, the update schedule is as follows for Japan:

  • Friday, January 25 – Update 1.01, Memory Archive.
  • Saturday, January 26 – Epilogue.
  • Thursday, January 31 – Secret.

All other details remain the same. As shown Update 1.01, Memory Archive, and the Epliloge release earlier in Japan than the rest of the world. The secret ending however, shall release the same day.

In case you missed it, you can also find our hands on preview for Kingdom Hearts III here.

Kingdom Hearts III is launching for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One January 25th, 2019 in Japan and Asia, and on January 29th in North America and Europe.



Ryan was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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