Kabosu, the Shiba Inu behind the iconic “doge” meme dies at 18


Kabosu, the shiba inu who gave us the popular “doge” meme has passed away at the age of 18.

Kabosu’s owner posted the news earlier today, saying that she passed away peacefully in her owner’s arms.

Kabocha this morning, I fell into a deep sleep

She passed away gently as if she was sleeping while I stroked her.

To everyone who loved Kabochan, Thank you for all this time.

Translation: Google

The Shiba Inu breed typically lives for approximately 15 years, meaning Kabosu had a long life with her owner. You can see more of Kabosu’s life on her blog here, she seems to have been a very lucky and happy dog. Rest in peace.


A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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