Just a To the Moon Series Beach Episode spinoff announced for PC

To the Moon Series

Freebird Games has announced Just a To the Moon Series Beach Episode, a new spinoff or follow-up or.. whatever this game ends up being.

The new entry in the emotional indie series is coming to Windows PC (via Steam) sometime in late 2022 or early 2023. For now, here’s some more screenshots:

Here’s a rundown on the new game:

Just a To the Moon Series Beach Episode info

The Beach Episode(TM) of To the Moon, Finding Paradise, and Impostor Factory.

Or is it?

…Yes, it technically is. Just A To the Moon Series Beach Episode is just that: A To the Moon series beach episode.

Get ready for a new short adventure as the SigCorp. crew takes off to an all-expenses-paid vacation at the Golden Lobster Hotel & Resort! For a grand total of 1 day, which is apparently the most the company was willing to fork out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Join familiar faces from To the Moon, Finding Paradise, and Impostor Factory in this narrative adventure filled with mini-games of varying elements, mysteries and relaxation, as well as–

…Wait, most of the characters here should already be dead.

Just a To the Moon Series Beach Episode features

  • A beach
  • An episode
  • A cozy mix between adventure game elements and classic RPG aesthetics
  • Dialogues that read so wrong but feel so right
  • Platplat the platypus
  • Rudog
  • Long-cat & Ricebot(?)


Owner and Publisher at Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. Outlaw fighting for a better game industry.

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