It’s a Wrap hands-on 2022 preview – let’s make the best movie

It's a Wrap

We did a hands-on preview for It’s a Wrap! at PAX West 2022. When it comes to video games and movies, these two entertainments field reign supreme. When you look at the amount of money these two industries draw in, they even rival the adult entertainment industry.

Because of this, the adult entertainment industry has often branched out into games to try and capitalize on the other two’s success. Sadly, when it comes to videogames and movies collaborating, these collaborations are often a disaster.

Typically, they are seen as cash grabs from the owners of the intellectual properties. AMC Games’ It’s a Wrap looks to redefine what a movie videogame can be.

Standback Lego and Telltale games, AMC Games’ It’s a Wrap is changing the formula. It’s a Wrap is a game about creating your very own movie. That’s right, no longer will you have to play through cheesy games made to sponsor movies or animated TV series.

This game puts you in the seat of the director while being the action star. At the start of each level, the player is given a script to read which dictates what will happen in the scene. It is up to the player to control the actor and the scene itself.

The Actor is just one small part of what the game is about; yes, you must get him through the level, but your goal is to make the scene look as authentic and death-defying as possible.

It’s a Wrap is set in the 80s, referencing popular action films such as Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Terminator, and more. Don’t rush the scene or Johnny Rush might die.

It's a Wrap Director's scene

It’s a Wrap Impressions

When I first met with AMC Games to preview It’s a Wrap, they sat me down at their small booth. They asked if I wanted any assistance, which I declined.

Rather than having my hand held while making a movie, I wanted to be in the driver’s seat. Although the game can be comedic at times, it can be heart-racing as well. Trying to play a platform game is one thing, it’s another to try and clear the level that you helped design.

As the director, you decide where certain scene elements are placed and when they start moving. These objects will determine whether or not you can clear the level. After failing a scene, you will go back to the drawing board to change the timing of objects.

At the end of the day, it comes down to how you maneuver the actor. For the PAX West demo, I got to play through four levels. These four levels show just some of the elements in the game and how the game gets more challenging as it progresses.

All four levels can be seen briefly in the It’s a Wrap trailer. The only level that I did not get to play was the monster chase. Getting to control both the scene and the actor was a lot of fun.

The experience made me feel like I was in control despite there only being a limited amount of options in order to make the perfect scene. The final stage was by far the most frustrating and I ended up caving in and asking the developers for help.

The only sad thing I learned was there are no plans for players to be able to create their own script or levels. Hopefully, once the game releases there will be a discussion of DLC in the future.

I want to thank AMC Games and Chanko Studios for showing us It’s a Wrap at PAX West 2022. At this time, there is no official release date for the game, but it’s coming to PC (via Steam).

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Hardcore gaming enthusiast, cosplayer, streamer, Tall Anime lover (6ft 9), and a die-hard competitor. I have been a Pop-Culture Journalist since 2011 specializing in shooters, Pokemon, and RPGs.

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