An anime based on the series Isekai Meikyuu de Harem wo will begin this summer in July!
The series follows the story of a young man transported to a fantasy world after finding a strange website that allows him to customize himself. Using his newfound cheat powers he sets out on the noble goal of living a comfortable cheat life with a harem of women.
\原作・ #蘇我捨恥
漫画・ #氷樹一世(少年エース)による
異世界ライフをお楽しみに⚔#異世界迷宮— TVアニメ「異世界迷宮でハーレムを」公式⚔現在放送中!📺 (@isekaiharem_ani) March 25, 2022
You can read a summary of the series from MyAnimeList below.
Struggling with life and society, high school student Michio Kaga wanders about the Internet and lands on an odd website. The website, featuring a number of questions and a point based system, allows one to create skills and abilities for a character. Upon completing his character, Kaga was transported to a game-like fantasy world and reborn as a strong man who can claim idol-level girls. Thus begins the cheat and harem legend of a reborn man!
An English release for the series has not been announced at the time of publishing.