Intergalactic Trading Sim Apollo4x is Nearing Release, Currently on Steam Greenlight

We got a look at Digital Entertainment’s Apollo4x back in November of last year, and now we’ve learned the game is being primed for a final release.

While the game is on Steam Greenlight, the developers have announced they’re almost ready to ship the game. On their list of final milestones for the game, they mention having to “beat the game up for a few days and make sure there’s nothing that makes it crash,” which is followed by them moving on to “test test test and tweak the knobs a little bit until it’s just right.”

In case you missed our previous report, Apollo4x is an intergalactic 4X strategy game, which focuses on trade, business, and governance simulation above your typical combat and culture mechanics seen in other 4X games. Progression unfolds via turn-based gameplay, and you step into the shoes of the president of an interplanetary trade corporation, seeking dominance in the black of space.

It’s worth noting that should the game not be greenlit on Steam, Digital Entertainment will still put the game onto GamersGate and, while they’re also considering other alternatives like Desura. Should the game be greenlit, they’ve also begun teasing at making a second game, so definitely consider throwing a vote their way.

Finally, 10% of the game’s profits are going directly towards dog transport and rescue services, which help aid/rescue dogs and hopefully get them a loving home.

You can also find Apollo4x on Steam Greenlight here.

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Owner and Publisher at Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. Outlaw fighting for a better game industry.

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