Intel Congratulates AMD for ‘Closing the Gap’ but Claims Their CPUs are Still Best for Gaming

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While AMD’s new CPUs have made huge gains to Intel, the competitor is claiming Intel CPUs are still the best for gaming.

The new AMD CPU’s boast more cores than ever, and performance boosts that have finally reached Intel’s long-running standard for performance and speed. Intel isn’t worried, though, if words from Intel at this year’s Gamescom are anything to go by.

“A year ago when we introduced the i9-9900K, it was dubbed the fastest gaming CPU in the world. And I can honestly say nothing’s changed. It’s still the fastest gaming CPU in the world,” Intel’s Troy Severson said in an interview with PCGamesN.

He added, “I think you’ve heard a lot of press from the competition recently, but when we go out and actually do the real-world testing, not the synthetic benchmarks, but doing real-world testing of how these games perform on our platform, we stack the 9900K against the Ryzen 9 3900X. They’re running a 12-core part and we’re running an 8-core.”

Niche Gamer is currently evaluating AMD’s new CPUs to Intel’s flagship chips, and have noticed the massive performance gains. Severson isn’t impressed, though.

“So, again, you are hearing a lot of stuff from our competition. I’ll be very honest, very blunt, say, hey, they’ve done a great job closing the gap, but we still have the highest performing CPUs in the industry for gaming, and we’re going to maintain that edge,” Severson added.

Do you use Intel or AMD with your PC builds? Have you upgraded to any of the newer chipsets? Sound off in the comments below!



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