“Integrity and Faithlessness” Has Been Trademarked In Europe – Star Ocean 5 Coming West?

Star Ocean 5 5-26-2015 - 1

For anyone following the new Star Ocean game, hearing the subtitle “Integrity and Faithlessness” is nothing new. However, as of today, Square Enix has officially trademarked the subtitle in Europe.

While the game has only been announced for Japan, the filing of a trademark for the subtitle is a good indication of plans for the game to come West, if there was any doubt.

Furthermore, Square Enix also refiled the trandemark for “Star Ocean” itself in Europe a mere five days ago as well. This certainly bodes well for western countries seeing the upcoming Star Ocean.

While no release date has been set for anywhere including Japan, it is currently set for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 in Japan.

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I'm a pretty chill guy. Huge video game fan, but a bigger anime fan. I also love to write - obviously.

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