Swedish indie developer Bertil Hörberg, the man behind the aptly named Hörberg Productions, released his retro platformer Gunman Clive to a fair amount of acclaim. Taking place in a year ending in X’s, involving the kidnapping of a beautiful woman, and paying homage to Contra with its gameplay (and powerful spread shot gun), you might have trouble finding a platformer even more of a throwback to the 80s than Clive.
That might get even harder now, with the developer crafting a Gameboy version of his well-received 2012 title.
Although the demo only contains one level as of this writing, it shows how much Hörberg loves the property and it also acts as a nice companion game to the main title, which reminds this writer of what was done with Fa’el: Beyond The Gate.
If you’re a fan, or simply curious, the rom can be downloaded for free from its website. If you’re new to emulation or need advice on how to play it, I would recommend Visual Boy Advance.