In This Game, Your Goal is to Romance and Date Pugs. No, Really

hot date 06-04-15-1

Indie developer George Batchelor has released his oddball dating game, Hot Date.

The game isn’t your average dating simulator – you go on speed dates with nothing but pugs. That’s not some kind of acronym for a new pejorative to describe homely randoms in some local dive bar – you literally date pugs, as in the breed of dog.

Controls are somewhat simple – a clear design to make the dates even more speedy. Players can use the arrow keys to pick a potential question for your pug date. Afterwards, you hit enter to pose your question – and if your date isn’t putting out, you can try a different quality setting.

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It doesn’t get much more complicated than that – you can expect a potentially blissful, or perhaps absolutely silly evening with your pug.

You can find Hot Date here on, and you can name your price (this also means you can get the game for free).



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