A second season for the paranormal thriller anime In/Spectre has been announced. The second season continues the story from its first season which aired earlier this year.
In/Spectre follows the adventures of Kotoko Iwanaga, a self-proclaimed “Goddess of Wisdom” and university student Kuro Sakuragawa who gained powers of immortality and precognition after consuming the flesh of yokai. The pair’s adventures have them run afoul of spiritual entities and monsters creating havoc in the real world.
Underlying the two’s relationship is a one-sided love that Kotoko held for Kuro after encountering him years earlier. Though the pair have grown closer after their shared adventures and circumstances.
In/Spectre began as a series of novels by Kyo Shirodaira in 2011. The series is still ongoing and published by Kodansha. A manga series, also published by Kodansha began in 2015.
You can read a plot summary from Kodansha Comics below.
“Both touched by spirits called yokai, Kotoko and Kuro have gained unique superhuman powers. But to gain her powers Kotoko has given up an eye and a leg, and Kuro’s personal life is in shambles. So when Kotoko suggests they team up to deal with renegades from the spirit world, Kuro doesn’t have many other choices, but Kotoko might just have a few ulterior motives …”
The first season of the anime series is localized by and available to watch on Crunchyroll. An official date for the second season of In/Spectre has yet to be announced.