Iconic Japanese Beer Set To Change Recipe After Decades


Chances are if you watch Japanese tv shows or anime as well, you’ve seen the unmistakable silver cans of Asahi Super Dry beer. The brand went on sale in 1987 with the mission at its core to produce a beer with a flavorful taste and a sharp, clean finish similar to certain wines and sake. The changes entail adding the hops later than before during the brewing process to make a more robust and full flavor in theory.

According to company records, sales peaked in 2000 and have steadily declined over the years. They’ve dropped as much as 30% since then, so the beer giant is thinking this may be the shot in the arm that their product needs. As far as i can tell, the only impending change seems to just be the recipe and the can design will be staying the same. Per Sora News, I didn’t spot any hard set dates on when the new product will hit shelves.



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