Anti-military industrial complex FPS game I Am Your Beast now available

I Am Your Beast

I Am Your Beast is a fast-paced comic book styled shooter where you turn the tables on the military-industrial complex. It just released on Steam and is due to come out on consoles in just a few months.

You play for an American soldier raining justice upon the corrupt forces controlling America’s foreign policy. It is developed by Strange Scaffold, the same developers of El Paso, Elsewhere. This isn’t just another splashy shooter, as you can tell from the marketing and story. I Am Your Beast aims to tell a story rooted in real terminology and with an understanding of the American anti-war movement.

The military-industrial complex is a term coined by Dwight Eisenhower in the 1950s. It refers to corporations and military leaders who manipulate politicians to start wars in order to profit. The term also refers to defense contractors such as Blackwater (now known as Academi) founded by mercenary Erik Prince. The term military-industrial complex was especially used during the early 2000s to describe motivation for the War on Terror.

Green Day released an album called American Idiot that was all about the military-industrial complex, and multiple punk bands came together to create an excellent anti-war album that today can be listened to at YouTube for free. Social Distortion contributed a song called It’s the Law, which really captures the feel of living in a police state and the song aligns with anti-war spirit. The Jason Bourne films also capture this spirit and are possibly an inspiration for the game. 

In I Am Your Beast, you play as a soldier who works for the corrupt American military, perhaps affiliated with a defense contractor such as Blackrock. For many years, you’ve been ordered to commit heinous crimes against other nations. This is inspired by events like the Banana Wars in Central America (Banana Republic comes from how America would overthrow democratically elected governments in Latin and South America to prop up authoritarian regimes that favored American corporate interests). Every time your soldier is told “this is the last time, you can retire after this.”

One day, your soldier decides enough is enough. He is no longer going to go along with the war regime. Instead, he is going to use all his skill to hunt down the people running the military-industrial complex and kill them. They will no longer be able to trick the American people into going to war after you are done with them, nor will they be able to prop up corrupt governments in other countries.

So far, I Am Your Beast is getting excellent reviews on Steam. I will probably play it when it comes out on consoles, as I am a fan of stories like this, and I also like artistic comic book style. What do you think of I Am Your Beast? Let us know in the comments!



Pro-Goblin has a question for you: Do you think the goblin girl in the avatar is cute? If yes, then you should be pro-goblin too. Stop hating on my friends. The genocidal elf regime that insists an entire race can be evil must be stopped! P.S. Not all elves, we love good ones like Frieren!

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