Horror VN Dread Weight exceeds Kickstarter goal

Dread Weight

The upcoming “cute” horror VN Dread Weight has surpassed its Kickstarter goal with time to spare.

Dread Weight is the latest game from Deer Dream Studios and a standalone sequel to their breakout title Cooking Companions. At the risk of ruining the surprise, the series is very much a part of the subgenre of VNs that are cute but secretly scary; a trend popularized by games such as Doki Doki Literature Club or Buddy Simulator 1984.

After starting their fundraising at the beginning of the month, Dread Weight managed to exceed their goal well before the deadline of July 1. At the time of writing the Kickstarter currently sits at approximately $22,200 of their initial $20,000 goal.

You can check out a trailer and rundown of the game from Steam below.


Trapped in a crumbling mansion, you’re being hunted by an ancient witch. With four other adults, it’s up to you to outsmart her and survive with whatever items you can find. Set traps, solve puzzles, and discover hidden secrets the deeper you explore in the mansion.

Main Features

-Merging real world history with European folklore, Dread Weight is an unexpected package you won’t soon forget.

-A sequel to Cooking Companions that you can go into completely new: returning players get additional Chompettes, sidequests and story from the MC’s perspective!

-Players can use the new inventory system to unlock new areas and solve puzzles throughout the mansion. Be careful! Vengeful spirits do not rest quietly: be quick on your feet and you’ll being attacked by them.

-Death is not the end: there are no “Game Over” screens in Dread Weight, allowing you to keep going through the story uninterrupted. Face your fears: players will be REWARDED with more story content if they encounter ghosts.

-NO gratuitous violence or gore

-No swearing!

A release date for Dread Weight has yet to be announced, though the Kickstarter campaign will last through June 30. A free demo is available now through Steam.



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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